Our Junior Firefighter program is top-notch. Our Juniors have continued on to become Firefighters, EMTs, and serve in the military, as well as active members of society and responsible citizens.
Below is a link to the program information packet that lists the rules we have set for our Juniors. Although it seems quite restrictive, there is still a lot a Junior can do.
Our Junior Firefighters are 16-18 years old, have met training and participation prerequisites, and have consistently demonstrated responsibility, self discipline, and good character in order to be issued a full set of structural firefighter bunker gear so that they can assist the department with our rehab station for structure fires and various other activities at the scene of an emergency. The program is limited to a maximum of ten Junior Firefighters at any one time due to limited resources. One full set of NFPA compliant bunker gear can cost more than $1,700.